
Showing posts from April, 2010

I made it to the Front Page of Etsy

Wow, this is very exciting! I made it to the front page. And I was asleep when it happened! I found out after a bunch of other people, I didn't know they would automatically post about it on my Facebook page. Very way cool! I sold that wallet and two other items, which I have to get busy making. So looks like I know what I'll be doing for the next couple of nights!

Featured on a blog

Very cool! One of my wallets is being featured on a blog,

House, and other t.v. that inspires

So my husband, who is attempting to enter nursing school got us addicted to this show.

Lots of New Handmade Fabric Wallets

Hello! Thanks for stopping by! I have so many new wallets up on the etsy store. It's exciting everytime I make a new one because I always wonder how they will do in the store if somebody will like one enough to bring it home! I always love them all and am so excited when I post them and I guess I expect everybody to love them as much as I do! :)