
Showing posts from May, 2010

Sunday Market Tomorrow!

How exciting!!!! Mother's Day is tomorrow! And the First Sunday Market!!! I will be there with Cindy and we will be having a grand ole time hanging out and trying to sell our wares! Wish us luck! Update to come after! Photo taken from the Astoria Sunday Market website, unsure of artist.

Cool news

What an honor! I have been chosen for the Mother's Day Voter Page. It's an etsy voter page. If you want to please go vote for me! I'm the roses wallet, the link is at If I am among the top voted on then I can maybe get on the front page! :) That would be fantastic! This is so cool! I can't believe it. I've sold this wallet once already but have plenty of material to make more.  Getting ready for the market... Have so much to do. Labeling all of my items, making orders and inventory. I have to also make sure that I am prepared for the big day with all the essentials all packed and ready to go and on top of all of this is the news that I have a big interview for a kindergarten position at the school I LOVE! So I am really nervous and trying to prepare for the interview. I would really absolutely love to have this position, I think it is the perfect place for me and Kindergarten is the best! Wish me lu