Getting started blogging about sewing

I'm so excited to be getting online as a shop owner and not simply posting about my kids and the things we do each day! Although I will more than likely end up sharing these things here as well, considering they are so integral to my life.
The name HappyKathy was taken already on blogger, so I chose HappyKathyShop.
Check out my Etsy site:
I just completed a messenger bag with a great print and it's very cute. I have put in layers of fleece because I love the soft feel it gives the bag and I put a heavy interfacing in the bottom panel to make it stand up and be more durable.
I love the process of creating something from nothing. It's a great feeling. Most of the time though, it's hard for me to want to sell the things I've made, since I would like to keep them for myself! :)
I am looking forward to having more time to work on new creations. That is the best part of all, not having to use anybody else's pattern. That's my ultimate goal.


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