Valentine's Day

Who doesn't love Valentine's Day? Candy, anybody? I could love Valentine's Day just for that one thing alone! When else do I get to buy mini-crunch bars in the shape of hearts, each individually wrapped and waiting for me when my chocolate attack comes along?
Photo by Ivan Clow
This year for V day the kids and I decided to make a very cool gift for each of their teachers. We got some boxes and cut the tops off to make little baskets, I thread some ribbon through slots I made on either side. The kids painted the boxes in shades of reds and pinks and purples and pasted on foam hearts that I bought from JoAnns. They loved it!  And it was the perfect activity for a day off from school for a teacher workday.
Then we put some tissue paper and filled it with various gifts the kids found at the store. I also put in a zipper pouch that I made into each basket.
Being a teacher myself I know how much work they do each day and with very little compensation. So I wanted to do a little something extra this year. I didn't do much of anything in years past, but just figured why not this time?


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