Long time

I really am terrible about updating my blog. I suppose it's partly because I feel like what happens in my life isn't all that exciting. I work a lot! And when I'm not working I am taking care of my kids. So there isn't much in there that makes for a super interesting read.
But the Thanksgiving holiday was nice, so I thought I'd blog a little about that. Yesterday my sister flew in from Florida for a quick visit. We had a lovely meal at my aunt's house, and my husband made delicious pumpkin chiffon pies, which were promptly devoured! I made two loaves of Challah, which turned out nice. I added more honey this time, because I saw some of the recipe reviewers said this was a good idea. I think I'll put the recipe amount next time. I didn't like the too honey taste.
Today we are all hanging out an enjoying having family around.
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!


  1. hey lady! I just got your e-mail.... so weird that you read/found my blog! I LOVE...no, ADORE your wallets. There are about 10 of them I really want. I am asking my fam, but our budget is $25 per person so not sure if I will get one. anyways... you are very talented! If you ever want to do a little store credit giveaway or a spotlight on your shop or something, I would love to post about you! :)


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